Wedding Photography Portfolio: How to Create an Impressive Portfolio in 2024

So you have decided to become a wedding photographer. But you cannot seem to get any jobs or offers? That’s why you need a Wedding Photography Portfolio! A portfolio can get you started in your career in photography. Therefore you should make sure to have a state-of-the-art portfolio that can persuade potential customers to choose you for their special day.

Why You Need a Wedding Photography Portfolio

As a wedding photographer, your portfolio is your calling card. It’s the first thing potential clients will look at when deciding whether to hire you for their special day. A strong portfolio showcases your skills and helps clients understand your style and approach to wedding photography.

Having a wedding photography portfolio is crucial because:

  • It helps you stand out: a strong portfolio helps you stand out from the competition. It’s a way to show potential clients what sets you apart and why they should choose you over other wedding photographers
  • It lets clients visualize their wedding day: your clients will be happy to have an idea of what to expect from their photographer. Therefore, it’s important to include a variety of shots, from candid moments to posed portraits
  • It builds trust and confidence: a portfolio shows that you have experience and expertise in wedding photography and that you can be trusted to capture their special day in the best possible way
married couple kissing and posing for an wedding photography portfolio
(lisarheaphotography on Instagram)

Creating Your Portfolio

Your wedding photography portfolio is the cornerstone of your professional image. It showcases your skills, style, and creativity to potential clients and sets you apart from other photographers in the market. But how can you get started when creating it? No worries, we got you covered:

Choose Your Best Images

This one should be clear. You want to show the best of your work! Select images that demonstrate your ability to capture a wedding day’s emotion, beauty, and detail. Consider including images from a variety of weddings to showcase your versatility and range.

Professional Editing

Professional editing is essential to make your images stand out. Spend time editing your images to ensure they are well-balanced, color-corrected, and free of any distracting elements. Avoid over-editing, as it can make your images look unnatural and detract from the overall quality.

Showcase Your Detail Shots

Detail shots are essential to any wedding day and should be included in your portfolio. These images capture the small details that make each wedding unique, such as the rings, flowers, and centerpieces. Make sure your detail shots are well-lit and composed to showcase their beauty.

Consider Your Layout

The layout of your portfolio is crucial to its success. Consider the size and order of your images and how they flow together. A well-designed portfolio will showcase your images in a way that is easy to navigate and visually pleasing. There are many templates online, have a look here!

Consider the Size of Your Portfolio

Your portfolio should be a manageable size, containing only your best work. Consider the number of images you want to include and how they will be organized. A too-large portfolio can be overwhelming, while a too-small portfolio may not showcase your range. We recommend around 15-20 photos. That works best in our experience.

Serving Your Clients

Customers are King. As a wedding photographer, it’s important to remember that your clients are entrusting you with capturing their special day and creating memories that will last a lifetime. This is their only opportunity to get those photos, so you want to ensure you give them everything!

It’s important to understand their needs and expectations. Take the time to get to know them and their vision for their wedding day. This will help you tailor your services to meet their specific needs and ensure that you capture the moments that are most important to them. Every couple is different; after all

When it comes to wedding photos, your clients will want to see a mix of portraits and candid shots that capture the joy and emotion of the day. Your wedding photography portfolio should showcase your ability to capture both types of photos and highlight your unique style and approach. Also, ensure your customers can easily see your target audience. Are you specialized in Beach Wedding Photography? Then go ahead and show that through your photos!

Online Presence

If you haven’t missed the 21st century, you will probably have noticed that everything goes online nowadays. You also found this blog online – so why shouldn’t your customers find you online?

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for any professional, including wedding photographers. Your online presence is your virtual storefront, and it’s where potential clients will go to learn more about you and your work. Therefore make sure to put your portfolio on your own website. It should be easy to find when someone googles your name.

In addition to your website, you can also create an online portfolio on Social Media! Instagram works like a charm in that case. So be sure to post your best photos there as well!

Marketing Your Portfolio

Okay, now we choose the best photos for our portfolio and create an online presence of ourselves. Now it’s time to market our portfolio to get our first audience!

Your strongest marketing is mouth-by-mouth propaganda. Once you land your first job, getting more jobs is much easier if your clients are happy. However, landing your first job can be quite a challenge in the beginning.

Therefore, you should build your portfolio with photos you did as a secondary photographer. Just ask some photographers if you can help them out as a sidekick. They will love to help you!

With these photos, you can build up your online presence and then get the attention of new customers. Once your accounts have grown to a few visitors, some may get interested in actually hiring you!

Specializing in Types of Weddings

Specializing is always a good way to get some more jobs. Finding your niche is an awesome opportunity to really master some techniques and become one of the best photographers in your field.

If you’re unsure which niches you could specialize in, we have a few ideas for you:

  • Beach Weddings: Those have become much more popular in the last few years. Playing with the sunset and waves can be an interesting challenge!
  • Gothic Wedding: These weddings often have a different atmosphere than traditional ones. Try to capture that!
  • Elopements: Lately, many people also want to keep their elopement in good memories. You can be the one who takes care of that!
  • Outdoor Weddings: Lighting and weather conditions can be challenging. Make your clients feel comfortable and safe in your hands
woman and man standing in front of a lake, kissing romantically on there wedding day while being photographed by their photographer for his portfolio
(lepida_jeju on Instagram)

Of course, you could become an expert in thousands of other niches. Just think of what you would find interesting! We are sure you can specialize in an amazing field.

Videos in Your Portfolio

Including videos in your wedding photography portfolio is a great way to showcase your work in a more lively and engaging way. Videos can capture the essence of the wedding day in a way that photographs simply cannot. They can show the day’s movement, emotions, and energy in a truly captivating way.

However, keep in mind that the videos you include should be of high quality and polished. You don’t want to include any videos that are shaky, poorly lit, or otherwise unprofessional. Make sure that the videos you include are a true representation of your skills and abilities as a wedding videographer.

Also, don’t just include one type of video – mix it up! Include videos that are lively and fun, as well as videos that are more serious and emotional. You want to showcase your ability to capture all aspects of the wedding day, from the silly moments to the heartfelt ones.

Finally, make sure that the videos you include in your portfolio are relevant to the clients you want to attract. If you specialize in capturing traditional weddings, make sure that the videos you include in your portfolio reflect that. If you are more interested in capturing non-traditional weddings, make sure your videos also reflect that.

Portfolio Design

Your portfolio should be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and showcase your best work. To achieve just that, we recommend the following:


You want to make sure that your portfolio looks professional and reflects your brand. Consider using a template to help you get started. There are themes – for example, for WordPress – for stunning wedding photographer portfolios.


Once you have chosen a template, it’s time to customize it to fit your brand. Add your logo, choose a color palette, and select a layout that showcases your work best. You may also want to consider adding forms to your portfolio, such as a contact form or a booking form, to make it easy for potential clients to get in touch with you.

Showcase a Wedding

Wedding photography is all about capturing the beauty and romance of the day. Your portfolio should reflect this. Consider including photos that showcase the fashion and style of the wedding. This could include photos of the bride and groom getting ready, the wedding dress, and the flowers. Paint a picture of a whole wedding.


Your logo is an important part of your brand. Make sure it is prominently displayed in your portfolio. You may also want to consider adding a watermark to your photos. This can help protect your work and make it easy for potential clients to identify your brand.

(planterraconservatory on Instagram)

Frequently Asked Questions

What should be included in a wedding photography portfolio?

Your wedding photography portfolio should showcase your best work and demonstrate your style and approach to wedding photography. It should include a variety of images that showcase your ability to capture candid moments, portraits, and details. You should also include images demonstrating your ability to work with different lighting situations or other challenges

How can I create a professional wedding photography portfolio?

Creating a professional wedding photography portfolio requires a careful selection of your best work and thoughtful presentation. Showcase your ability by selecting your best images from previous weddings you have photographed.

What is the ideal number of photos to include in a wedding photography portfolio?

There is no set number of photos that should be included in a wedding photography portfolio. However, it is important to remember that quality is more important than quantity. In our experience, around 15-20 images are a good amount.

What are some tips for organizing a wedding photography portfolio?

When organizing your wedding photography portfolio, consider the flow of the images and how they tell a story. You can organize your images chronologically or thematically, depending on your preference.

If you liked this blog post about creating your unique Wedding Photography Portfolio, don’t forget to leave us a comment down below to tell us about your experience with it!

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